6 Weeks Strength & Conditioning for Runners
Running injuries are very common. Injury prevention could be helpful, especially if you are training for longer distances like a half or full marathon. There is no one reason why runners get injured, but there are many ways to help them prevent injury. The 6 weeks (12 sessions) strength and conditioning program has been designed […]
Osgood Schlatter Disease Managment
Osgood-Schlatter disease (OST) is a condition that causes pain in the knee and upper shin when tendons pull against the top of the shinbone. OST sometimes referred to as growing pains or jumper’s knee, this condition usually happens to adolescents. What is Osgood-Schlatter disease? It is a condition that happens when a tendon in the knee (the […]
Your Running Cadence (Step Rate)
Running Cadence, or step rate, is a data point that’s calculated on many GPS watches. It shows how many steps you are taking per minute. Many experts believe that 180 steps per minute (SPM) is the ideal cadence for runners. However, the latest research has found that cadence rates vary greatly depending on runners’ speed. As […]
Knee Lateral Collateral Ligament Rehabilitation
Your lateral collateral ligament (LCL) is a cord-like ligament on the lateral (outer) side of your knee. It is one of four major ligaments that help you to stabilize the knee joint. LCL sprain is the most common form of LCL injury. In isolation, a lateral collateral ligament injuries only account for 2% of all […]
Meniscus Tear Management
Your knee meniscus is fibrocartilage that separates thigh bone (femur) from your shin bone (tibia). It is commonly referred to as your “cartilage”. Each knee joint has a medial meniscus and a lateral meniscus. Your knee meniscus has unique shapes. They are a wedged, kidney shape. Your meniscus act like a wedge to assist with […]
Knee Fat Pad (Hoffa’s Syndrome)
The knee fat pad or Hoffa’s pad is the (infrapatellar fatty pad) which sits below your patella (knee cap) directly behind your patellar tendon. It cushions the patella, preventing it from hitting against the condyle of your femur (or end of the thigh bone) in the case of a direct blow to the front of […]
Knee Injury Rehabilitation (Gluteus Muscle Activation)
The knee is one of the largest and most complex joints in the body. It is an articulation between the thigh bone (femur) and the shin bone (tibia). The smaller bone that runs alongside the tibia (fibula) and the kneecap (patella) is the other bones that make the knee joint. There are many structures that […]
Corticosteroid Injections for knee Osteoarthritis
Findings do not support Corticosteroid injections for Knee Osteoarthritis. A Randomised Clinical Trial. By: Timothy E. McAlindon, DM, MPH1; Michael P. LaValley, PhD2; William F. Harvey, MD1; et al 2017 Research Question: What are the effects of intra-articular injection of 40 mg of triamcinolone acetonide every 3 months on a progression of cartilage loss and knee pain in patients with osteoarthritis? They […]
A guideline on management of acute vs chronic knee pain
Knee pain is a common complaint that affects people of all ages. Knee pain may be the result of an injury, such as a ruptured ligament or torn cartilage. However, your knee may get sore after a short run, sudden jump, simple fall, etc. In this article, we are going to show you the difference […]
ACL injury prevention – Part3 (Leg Dominance )
The Authors highlighted the 3rd type of imbalance Leg Dominance. What does that mean? In tasks that normally require side-to-side symmetry of the lower extremities, women tend to be more one-leg dominance than their male counterparts. when a female tears her ACL, most if not all her weight is on a single leg when considering […]