Give us a Call

+ (353) 087-927-6712

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 8 AM - 19 PM

Our Location

56 Fitzwilliam Square N

Yes, you are covered. Our treatments are covered by the main medical insurance companies, VHI, Laya, Aviva Health and Glo Health, It’s also covered by medical schemes associated with the ESB, Garda Medical Aid, PDFORA and RACO medical aid. However, we do advise you to check with your health insurance providers to see what you may be entitled to claim back in each session.

Treatment helps all patients of all ages to relieve pain and improve movement, allowing your body to function in a pain-free and efficient manner. We find the root of your pain rather than treating the site of your pain, and we will design a customized treatment to help you to become pain-free as fast as possible and we get you back to your daily activity even stronger.

Unfortunately, we do not have any kind of imaging facilities in our clinic.


Each patient and each condition is different. Based on your assessment we will discuss the expected number of treatments and how you can expect your symptoms to resolve. We will explain you all options as you progress, and you will be reassessed by our team on each visit to review your progress.


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