6 Weeks Strength & Conditioning for Runners

6 Weeks Strength & Conditioning for Runners

Table of Contents

Running injuries are very common. Injury prevention could be helpful, especially if you are training for longer distances like a half or full marathon. There is no one reason why runners get injured, but there are many ways to help them prevent injury

The 6 weeks (12 sessions) strength and conditioning program has been designed for runners to focus on elements such as Strength Training, Load Management, Running Technique, and their Recovery Plan to enhance their running economy and also help them to minimize running injuries. Whether you are an amateur runner who would like to start your 5k or 10k run, or a high-level athlete you can use this program. We will customise your training intensity according to your goals and preferences. 

How strength training can help runners? 

Several studies have recommended strength training as a part of your weekly running program to improve running economy. They highlighted, strength training programs including low to high-intensity resistance exercises and plyometric exercises performed 2-3 times per week for 8-12 weeks is an appropriate strategy to improve the running economy in long-distance runners and prevent running injury (Read more).

Another study which investigates the effects of adding heavy strength training to female duathletes’ normal endurance training on both cycling and running performance. They have concluded, “Adding strength training to normal endurance training in well? trained female duathletes improved both running and cycling performance” (Read more).

What is included in this package?


Initial Assessment

Our therapist will take you through an hour consultation to go through your running goals (short term/long term). We asses your running technique (Gait Analysis), and also your strength, and agility. We will customize a short term and long term plan for you to follow. 

Gait Analysis?

We utilise Gait analysis as an effective tool to help you to improve your running technique. As a part of your initial assessment, we will be using video analysis to evaluate kinematic patterns which is an effective way to recognize various running styles and create a comprehensive management plan that addresses any biomechanical errors. 

Gait Analysis


Customized Training Program

You will get a customized short/long term training plan including strength training routine, recovery plan, and detailed tips on how to improve your running technique.

One to One Training 

Your session will be 30min one to one training and our physio coach you closely to make sure you are following the right technique and form during the session. They also progress your routine gradually to avoid a plateau. 

One to one personal training

Weekly / Monthly Plan & Assessment

You will be getting a weekly / monthly plan to monitor your progress. This plan will gives you a bigger picture in ways to monitor your weekly / monthly mileage and also dos and don’t to minimize your running injury. 

In Addition, we will assess your progress over the 6 weeks program and you can measure your progress based on elements such as strength, and running economy and overall performance.

The 6 weeks strength and conditioning for runners is a great kick start to take your running to the next level. No matter you are a marathon runner or you recently start running, this program is suitable for any level.

Next step 

strenght & Conditioning for runners

Want to get in touch or book your initial assessment. Simply click on the link and Book your Appointment or send us an email through [email protected] 

Our Approach

Dublin Sports Injury Clinic is a physical therapy clinic based in Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin2. We have a holistic approach to our assessment and treatment. The initial assessment helps us to explore the cause of your injury and help you to get pain free shortly and stop any further injuries. We will design a customized training program for you to start with, and we will coach you and monitor your progress closely. We will prescribe relative rest or modified activities as required. Depending on the individual requirement, we apply manual therapy accompanied by stretching to restore tissue elasticity and reduce the strain in the muscle-tendon unit with joint motion.

Next step 

Want to get in touch with our team of a therapist or you are looking for some advice? Simply fill in your details below & we get in touch with you shortly.

2 Responses

  1. The strength and conditioning for runners has benefited my running and overall fitness greatly. My running technique has improved allowing me to run more comfortably and for longer distances. Bob’s gym programme was tailored to my needs in relation to my running goals. The strength and knowledge I have gained from these few weeks I know will continue to benefit me for years to come. I highly recommend it.

  2. I gained enormous benefit from the strength and conditioning programme for runners. I had a nagging injury that kept at me for years and Bob was able to pinpoint it straight off and following specific exercises, I am now 100% back on form and very confident for my marathon next month. Bobs enthusiasm is infectious and you immediately see that he loves what he does. As previous reviewers mentioned, I learned so many things that I can carry with me for my future running years. I can’t recommend enough.