Corticosteroid Injections for knee Osteoarthritis

Corticosteroid Injections for knee Osteoarthritis

Table of Contents

Findings do not support Corticosteroid injections for Knee Osteoarthritis. A Randomised Clinical Trial.

By: Timothy E. McAlindon, DM, MPH1; Michael P. LaValley, PhD2; William F. Harvey, MD1; et al 2017
Research Question: What are the effects of intra-articular injection of 40 mg of triamcinolone acetonide every 3 months on a progression of cartilage loss and knee pain in patients with osteoarthritis?
They found:  “In a randomized clinical trial of 140 patients with symptomatic knee osteoarthritis, the use of intra-articular triamcinolone compared with intra-articular saline resulted in greater cartilage volume loss. There was no significant difference in knee pain severity between treatment groups”.
They have concluded: “Among patients with symptomatic knee osteoarthritis, 2 years of intra-articular triamcinolone, compared with intra-articular saline, resulted in significantly greater cartilage volume loss and no significant difference in knee pain. These findings do not support corticosteroid injection for patients with symptomatic knee osteoarthritis”.

What about conservative treatment? (Physiotherapy)

The research highlighted exercise therapy for knee OA should improve joint range of motion, muscle and tendon lengthening, strength, and endurance and decrease pain and loading on the symptomatic compartment (Read more).
They suggest, “strength training exercise has the greatest improvement for pain, disability, physical function, stiffness and range of motion within a short time (8–24 weeks). In addition, stretching greatly improves physical function, and flexibility exercises can improve pain, range of motion, physical function, and stiffness (Read more).
We see a wide range of patients in our clinic who experience knee OA. Initially, we assess their daily activity and pain intensity. Based on that, we design a costumised strength and mobility program that they can follow daily. This program will be followed up for 12 weeks to modify and progress their activities for optimum results.

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Our Approach

Dublin Sports Injury Clinic is a Physical Therapy Clinic based in Pearse Street, Dublin 2. We have a holistic approach to our assessment and treatment. The initial assessment helps us to explore the Risk Factors. As a part of your session, we will educate you regarding the Risk Factors more in details and we show you the current research studies. We design a customized training program to start you with (depend on your sport) and we will coach you closely step by step.

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Disclaimer: This article is for information only and should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions. You can contact us if you would like to book an appointment or get some advice from our therapist.