Sarcopenia (Muscle Loss Due to Aging)

What is Sarcopenia From the time you are born to around the time you turn 30, your muscles grow larger and stronger. But at some point in your 30s, you start to lose muscle mass and function. The cause is age-related sarcopenia or sarcopenia with aging. In other word, Sarcopenia is the loss of muscle […]
4 Mistakes with Sciatica Pain

What is sciatica? Sciatica is a general name given to any pain that is caused by irritation or compression of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the body. It runs from the back of the pelvis, through the buttocks, and travels along the back of both legs, ending at your […]
Workout routine for L4 L5 / L5 S1 Disc bulges and Sciatica Pain (Beginner)

In this routine I share with you a 20 minutes of workout routine for L4 L5 / L5 S1 Disc bulges and Sciatica Pain. In this routine I share with you a warm up to start and a cool down to finish your workout. If you experience L4 L5 / L5 S1 Disc Bulges you […]
Annular Tear L4L5 L5S1 Disc Bulges treatment

Your Spinal column has 33 vertebrae and the top three-quarters of which are separated by discs. These discs, 23 in all, serve to cushion and protect the vertebrae; they absorb shock and help to keep weight in the back evenly distributed. The inside of the disc, the nucleus, is made of a soft, gelatinous fluid, […]
5 Steps to improve chronic lower back pain

If you’ve been sidelined by a sore back, you’re not alone. Four out of five people experience back pain at some point, making it the second most common reason for visiting the physical therapist. Although determining the cause of back pain can be complicated, there are many different actions you can take to help improve lower […]
Thoracic Spine Mobility Exercises

In this video I share with you a series of exercises for improving your thoracic spine mobility. Research has been shown reduced thoracic mobility in individuals who spend more than 7 hours/day sitting and active less than150 min/week of physical activity. In addition, Thoracic kyphosis may not be an important contributor to the development of […]
Does disc bulges heal and how long does it takes?

A herniated lumbar disc is a displacement of intervertebral disc material (nucleus pulposus or annulus fibrosis) beyond the intervertebral disc space. In addition, the highest prevalence is among people aged 30-50 years, with a male to female ratio of 2:1. (Read More) A herniated disk, which can occur in any part of the spine, can […]
L4 L5 – L5 S1 disc bulge best exercise rehabilitation for pain relief

A herniated disc in the spine is a condition during which a nucleus pulposus is displaced from intervertebral space. It is a common cause of back pain. The patient’s who experience pain related to a herniated disc often remember an inciting event that caused their pain. However, a herniated disc is a part of the […]