Best exercises for osteoporosis

Best exercises for osteoporosis

Osteoporosis weakens bones, making them more susceptible to sudden and unexpected fractures. The disease often progresses without any symptoms or pain, and is not found until bones fracture. You can take steps to prevent this disease, and treatments do exist. Its name comes from Latin for “porous bones.” The inside of a healthy bone has […]

sacroiliac joint best self-treatment for pain relieve

Sacroiliac joint best self-treatment for pain relieve

Sacroiliac joint syndrome (SIJS) pain arising from the SIJ joint structures and felt over the sacral sulcus and in the region of the posterior iliac spine, often referring to the groin, buttocks, and posterior thigh and less often to the lower limb (Read More). On the other hand, it is believed that SIJ dysfunction generally […]