Cervical Disc Bulge and Cervical Facet Lock pain Relief

Cervical Disc Bulge and Cervical Facet Lock pain Relief

Table of Contents

In this video I have shared with you the best home base exercises for cervical herniated discs and Cervical facet lock. By following this routine you can improve your cervical herniated disc pain or facet lock with improving your range of motion in your neck.


Disk herniation is most often the result of a gradual, normal aging-related wear and tear called disk degeneration. As you age, your disks degenerate same as other parts of our body like your muscles, skin, and your hair.

Repetitive movement and strain is the secondary cause of the cervical herniated disc. Trauma or high impact injury such as whiplash could cause wear and tear in the neck and lead to cervical herniated disc down the line. Latest study suggest to avoid surgery or injection for cervical radiculapaty, and promote conservative treatment such as physical therapy and activity modification.

You may think as you get older your disk degenerate and It get worse and your back pain will get worse. However, study has shown back pain prevalence decline by ageing.

Sing & Symptoms

The main sign and symptoms of the cervical herniated disc is, neck pain, neck stiffness, neck and shoulder pain, pain might radiate down to your shoulder and your elbow or your arm and fingers. In severe cases, you may experience lack of strength and numbness in the fingers. Cervical herniated disc interchangeably called cervical radiculopathy when you experience radicular pain.

Radicular pain is one of common sign and symptoms of cervical herniated disc and in this case you may feel tingling and pins and needles down the shoulder and elbow and the arm, or may feel cold or hot. The main cause of cervical herniated disc is ageing process.

Diagnosis & Treatment

In most cases of herniated disk, a physical exam and a medical history are all that’s needed for a diagnosis. Study highlighted, most cervical herniated disc resolve by itself and individual should sick help from physical therapist for quicker recovery.

Cervical Disc Bulge and Cervical Facet Lock pain Relief

The list of exercises that I share with you in this video:

Cervical Disc Nerve Glide:
Application for the cervical nerve mobilization techniques not only improved the functions and health of the participants, It may also promote healing of the soft tissues by stimulating the functions of the nervous system to improve nervous system adaptability and decrease sensitivity, helping to alleviate symptoms. If you experience pins and needles or tingling sensation in your arm this exercise can help you to improve the pins and needles and reduce the pain.

Cervical Disc Isometric Strengthening:
Press your palm against your forehead. Resist with your neck muscles. Hold for 5 seconds. Relax. Repeat for 3 sets of 5 repetitions. Try the exercise again, pressing on the side of your head. for 3 sets of 5 repetitions. Switch sides. Try the exercise again, pressing on the back of your head. for 3 sets of 5 repetitions.

Standing Row with Resistance Band:
Try to secure the band to the door with the door anchor at chest height. Body Positioning: Stand 3 to 4 feet away from the door while facing the door. Keep your feet hips width apart, chest up and head straight. Position your arms straight out in front of you (parallel with the floor), and your palms facing each other. Try the pull and hold for 3 sec, repeat for 3 sets of 5 repetitions.

Cervical DIsc Self Mobilisation:
Sit upright in a chair or stand tall with a towel around your neck, holding each end with your hands. Adjust the towel aroundC7 and pull the towel with applying 30 to 40% of your max strength. While holding the towel flex and extend the neck to the range you feel comfortable. Repeat the movement 5 times and readjust the towel to C6 – C5 & C4. Work within your own range.

Rhomboid Y Strengthening Exercise:
To start this exercise, lay face down on the floor with your arms raised to create a “Y” shape with your torso. Stick your thumbs up. Glide your shoulder blades together and down, then raise your arms off the ground and pull your elbow next to your body and hold for 3 sec. Go back to the starting position and repeat the same movement again for 3 sets of 5 repetitions.

Modified Kneeling Rotation:
Get into a child-pose position and place one hand on the upper back or back of the neck. Do not pull down or put pressure into the neck with your hand. Begin to rotate leading with the eyes, head and shoulder as far as possible. Then reverse the motion leading with the eyes, head and shoulder rotating upwards as far as possible.

Kneeling Thoracic Rotation:
Get into a quadruped position with the knees under the hips and the hands under the shoulders. Place one hand on the upper back or back of the neck. Do not pull down or put pressure into the neck with your hand. Begin to rotate leading with the eyes, head and shoulder as far as possible. Then reverse the motion leading with the eyes, head and shoulder rotating upwards as far as possible.

Our Approach

Dublin Sports Injury Clinics a Physical Therapy Clinic based in Pearse Street, Dublin 2. We have a holistic approach to our assessment and treatment. The initial assessment helps us to explore the cause of your injury and help you to get pain free shortly and stop any further injuries. We design a customized training program for you to start with, and we coach and monitor your progress closely. Our Therapist prescribes relative rest or modified activities as required. Depending on the individual requirement, we apply manual therapy accompanied by a home-based training program to maximize your recovery.

Next step 

Want to get in touch with our team of the therapist or you are looking for some advice? Simply fill in your details below & we get in touch with you shortly.


Disclaimer: This article is for information only and should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions. You can contact us if you would like to book an appointment or get some advice from our therapist.

Tags: Cervical herniated disc exercises Cervical herniated disc treatment best Cervical herniated disc exercises cervical herniated disc pain relief Sore neck pain relief exercises best exreicse for neck pain neck pain, neck pain relief, neck injury, stiff neck, stiff neck rehabilitation, stiff neck stretch, stretch for stiff neck, strengthen your neck.