5 Things to Avoid After a Hamstring Injury

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Hamstring injuries are common in sports that involve sprinting, acceleration, deceleration, rapid change in direction, and jumping. It’s occurring in both recreational and professional sports and could lead to substantial time lost from sports and commonly reoccur. The hamstrings consist of three muscles, the biceps femoris, the semitendinosus, and the semimembranosus (Read more).
Hamstring strain symptoms

Symptoms of a hamstring strain usually consist of a sudden sharp pain at the back of the thigh. This can occur whilst sprinting or performing a fast stretching movement such as a high kick. Hamstring strains are graded 1, 2 or 3 depending on how bad they are.

Grade 1

You may have tightness at the back of the thigh, but will be able to walk normally without pain. When running, you will be aware of some discomfort and will be unable to operate at full speed. There will be little or no swelling. Trying to bend the knee against resistance is likely to reproduce mild pain, with possible some weakness.

Grade 2

Your gait (walking pattern) will be affected, and you will most likely be limping. You will feel a sudden twinge of pain during activity. You may notice some swelling. Pressing into (palpating) the hamstring muscle will be painful. Trying to bend the knee against resistance will also be painful and weak.

Grade 3

A grade 3 hamstring strain is a severe injury involving a tear to the majority or all of the muscle. You may need crutches to walk and will feel severe pain and weakness in the muscle. The swelling will develop rapidly and bruising will usually appear within 24 hours. Seek medical attention urgently if you suspect a severe grade 2 or 3 injury (Read more).

In your first phase of rehabilitation avoid anything that aggravates your symptoms and keeps the pain in control. We have highlighted 5 steps to follow and fasten your recovery. How to prevent hamstring injury in runners.

1- Avoid stretching your hamstring

In the acute stage (first week) of your hamstring recovery, and your body's aim at this point is to protect your injury from further damage. Research suggests avoiding stretching in the acute stage of your hamstring injury. (Read more).

2- Avoid Running or Fast walking 

In the acute stage (first week) of your hamstring recovery, even though your hamstring muscle might feel better, research has been supported to avoid running or fast walking (Read More).

3- Avoid prolonged sitting

Pain with sitting can be one of the most challenging symptoms to treat in the early stage of a hamstring injury. It is painful in because it compresses the hamstring tendon where it is attached in the hip bone and when it’s sensitive or swollen this may hurt. The common advice is therefore to reduce painful sitting in the early stages of proximal hamstring tendinopathy. We Suggest using cushions to improve comfort.

4- Avoid Deep Squatting 

Some activities such as running (during the later portion of the swing phase), lunging, squatting especially if performed on harder surfaces aggravates your symptoms (Read More).

5- Avoid up heel Running 

The repetitive motion of running can load the hamstrings muscle over the course of a run, especially on runs with little variation, such as up heel running. In the acute stage make sure to modify your running activity and avoid uphill running.

Our Approach

Dublin Sports Injury Clinics a Physical Therapy Clinic based in Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin2. We have a thorough assessment to role out the mechanism of your injury. The primary objective of our rehabilitation program will be the restoration of function to the greatest possible degree in the shortest possible time. We believe the Patient’s education is an essential part of the rehabilitation program. We will explore the main root of their injury in layman terms and also show them the reason behind their rehabilitation program.

Treatment will be classified into different phases according to the length of time since the injury occurred. We design a customized rehabilitation program for every individual to help them to recover as quickly as possible. We coach our patients and show them correct techniques and we progress their program step by step to help them get back to do what they love even stronger.

Next step 

Want to get in touch with our team of the therapist or you are looking for some advice? Simply fill in your details below & we get in touch with you shortly.

Disclaimer: This article is for information only and should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions. You can contact us if you would like to book an appointment or get some advice from our therapist.
